My Story

Hi everyone, and welcome to my website!
My Yoga journey has really been an internal deep dive. When I first began to practice I had NO idea how much it would change my life. I literally stumbled across my first ever class feeling very stressed out and overwhelmed, carrying an injury or three, and I fell in love with it immediately.

Yoga & Reiki with Michelle
“Yoga does not ask you to
be more than you are.
But it does ask you to
be all that you are.”
Bryan Kest
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Find Your Community Yoga Class Pass
6 Week Class Pass for Find Your Community Yoga
Valid for 10 weeks
6 week Class Pass Find Your Community Yoga (10 week expiry)
Lemon Tree Yoga Studio
Thursday Evening or Friday Mornings

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Gift Voucher €50
Can be used for Community Yoga , Yin Yoga WorkshopsContact-me-to-book-any-service
Valid for 3 months

Best Value
Gift Voucher €100
Can be used for Community Yoga, Yin Yoga Workshops, Reiki.Contact-me-book-any-of-these-services.
Valid for 6 months
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